Barcelona 2002 Gallery

Barcelona Statistical Seminar IV

(14-17 March 2002)

Click captions for full-sized photographs

Scenes from a Calçotada Tim Kehoe Michael Greenacre, Porronista JoeMikeCalcot
Calçotada Tim Kehoe, the organiser Michael Greenacre at the porron Michael and Joe with a calçot
PmpeuFabra Michel Nikos
Economics Faculty at Work Michel van der Velden Nikos the Greek

Photographs by PMK: March 2002; Taken at Barcelona Statistical Seminar IV, Barcelona, Spain.

P.M. Kroonenberg
Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University
Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden, The Netherlands
Tel. *-31-71-5273446/5273434 (secr.); fax *-31-71-5273945
E-mail: kroonenb at
Created: 14-3-2002.