Photographs of Fellow Statisticians

(Mostly taken at conferences)


From this page you can go to the separate sections for various conferences at which I have taken photographs of my colleagues and some additional photographs of the surroundings of the conference as well.

If you feel that your picture should not be there, please tell me.

Please feel free to post my picture of you on your own Website, but I would appreciate an acknowledgment. If you want to use the pictures of other persons, please ask them or me (kroonenb at for permission. Not everybody likes his or her picture to be shown everywhere.

The Tricap 2009 pictures reside externally on Picasa, and were taken by various participants. To my regret I could not attend this meeting.


TRICAP - ThRee-way Methods In Chemistry and Psychology

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P.M. Kroonenberg
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Science, Leiden University
Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden, The Netherlands
Tel. *-31-71-5273446/5273434 (secr.); fax *-31-71-5273945 E-mail:kroonenb at

First version: 02-06-1997;